Webgunea Eskuragarri

Sydney [Interneteko baliabidea - Webgunea - Erronka] / egilea, Leonardo Boix Tapia

Welcome to this awesome adventure that we are about to begin!In these projects, we are going to travel all around the world and we are going to visit some of the most thrilling English-speaking cities and their most outstanding tourist landmarks. And of course, we are about to experience the really wonderful and funny experience of learning English in a collaborative way.In this project, we are going to travel to Sydney, the state capital city of New South Wales in Australia and one of the largest cities in Oceania.

Egile nagusia: Boix Tapia, Leonardo
Erakunde egilea: CEDEC (Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas no Propietarios)
Bilduma: EDIA proiektua (Hezkuntza Baliabide Irekia)
English speaking cities
Hezkuntza-etapa: Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza (DBH)
Ikasgaia: Ingelesa
Generoa / Forma: Curriculumeko baliabideak
Baliabide digitalak
Eduki digital didaktikoak
Loturak: Joan material honetara
Deskargatu webgunea
Adina / Maila: DBH, 3. eta 4. mailak
Material-mota Kokapen-kodea Egoera Barra-kodea
Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntza INTERNETEKO BALIABIDEA EK21050365